Desert Lime

Desert Lime

Desert Lime is a true native citrus.  It was used by Indigenous Australians and early explorers. Desert Limes grow in semi-arid areas of south west Queensland, western New South Wales and South Australia.  They look like a small round green grape and have a wonderful rich lime flavour.  The amazing fruit is very resilient to Australia's harsh environment and extreme weather conditions.  

Desert Limes are great used in jams, preserves, cordials, cider and added to marinades and spice mixes.  You only need to use a small amount because of the intense rich fresh lime flavour which has an aroma of stewed fruit and freshly cut grass! You could also use it for home made body lotions.

Nutritionally Desert Lime has high levels of Vitamin C, folate and antioxidants.  It is a very rich source of calcium, vitamin E and lutein (good for eye health and wellbeing).  It also has a high potassium:sodium ratio, which may help to reduce blood pressure.

For more information on how to use, see 'Products' or 'How to use' blog.

Reference: The Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation (RIRDC).

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