Saltbush and Native Succulents

Saltbush and Native Succulents

Saltbush and Native edible succulents (also known as halophytes)

Samphire, Seablite, Saltbush and Sea Purslane are great substitutes for salt when used in cooking. Use them in cooking to add a salty flavour instead of table salt.

You can find these ingredients fresh at speciality stores or major markets occasionally.  At NATIF we sell Old Man's Saltbush which is a popular species in the native food industry.

Indigenous Australians have been using these ingredients for thousands of years as food and medicine.

These native edible succulents can be found growing naturally along shorelines and also in arid and semi arid environments all around Australia.

Health benefits of edible succulents include essential minerals and trace elements, fibre, phytochemicals and antioxidants.  Iron, magnesium, and sodium as well as some essential fatty acids.  Vitamin C is also found in some species.

Used as a garnish in small amounts and as part of a healthy balanced diet.

These native edibles have a bright future for chefs around Australia and eventually for home cooks. 

These edible garnishes can create a natural saltiness of the ocean, as Australia once had an inland sea, which is where this salt has come from and been taken up by the plants themselves. 

Always only take what you need if out camping and be mindful of the environment if foraging.


Julie Merlet @ NATIF