(A.retinodes, A.provincialis or A.longifolia)
Tastes a bit like roasted coffee, chocolate and hazelnut. Add to sweet and savoury dishes.
Wattleseed is so nutritious and versatile to use. More like a legume than a seed.
Wattleseed is gluten free.
Wattleseed has a nutty, earthy taste and aroma, it can be used as a non-caffinated coffee substitute. Wattle lattes taste great but don’t throw away the nutritious seeds as they can be reused in baking or cooking..
Acacia longifolia medium/light roast, medium grind - In stock now. We also pack other fresh seasonal roasted and ground Wattleseed varieties and blends that become available to us from our growers and harvesters in southern parts of Australia.
Our RAW WATTLESEED will be in raw wattleseed marked bags with information on how to prepare it.
5kg now available direct, online
Businesses, Please note that we are able to get other varieties of BULK Wattleseed raw or roasted and ground, upon request. Blends are also available. For more information about the differences in nutrition, flavour and aroma of these different species please email Julie at hello@natif.com.au
Roasted and Ground Wattleseeds (A.retinodes, A.provincialis & A.longifolia) Single notes or blended varieties.
Raw Wattleseed will be in marked RAW WATTLESEED bags with information on how to prepare it.
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