If you're not in ill health, get your boost of nutrients through food rather than vitamin capsules.
A healthy immune system relies on a balance of nutrients, good sleep and an active lifestyle.
(Mixed veggie, lentil, salad with Bush Tomatoes)
Poor diet and sleep, age, stress, inactivity, mental health and other chronic conditions can disrupt immune system function and put us at more risk of infections and toxins.
Eating a whole-foods, well balanced, plant-based diet can help boost the immune system by providing adequate nutrients needed by cells for an immune response.
A balanced meal includes: Lots of Fruits, vegetables and leafy greens, whole-grains from ancient grains with lots of fibre, brown rice and quinoa, plant proteins, legumes, nuts, good fats from olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds. Make meats, chicken, dairy and eggs an accompaniment to a dish rather than being the main focus.
Make sure you're getting enough Vitamin C, E, A, D, folate, Iron, selenium and zinc - all needed for immune system function.
Include lots of foods with phytonutrients - easy to get when you 'Eat the rainbow'. Coloured fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants which can help protect your cells from oxidative effects or free radical damage.
Resveratrol, Curcumin, Roboflavin, selenium, vitamin D and E are all protective and help aid immunity. Eat Kakadu plums, blueberries, grapes, peanuts, soy, turmeric, mushrooms, onions, garlic, chives, asparagus, wholegrain, legumes to achieve this.
Our immune cells need vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, selenium, iron, and protein (including the amino acid glutamine) to function properly.
Food to avoid are - refined sugar, salt, over consumption of red meat and alcohol.
Get these immunity nutrients from a wide variety of foods, including native foods and from some of these good sources:
Vitamin C - Kakadu Plum, Davidson Plum, Desert Lime, leafy green vegetables, bell peppers, brussels sprouts, strawberries, papaya and citrus fruits, just to name a few.
Vitamin E - Nuts, sunflower seeds, broccoli, spinach, Kakadu plum, wheat germ and soybeans.
Vitamin D - A walk in the park on a sunny day, meat, dairy, eggs, fatty fish, fortified beverages and cereals.
Folate - Riberries, Kakadu Plum, beans, peas and green leafy vegetables, Aniseed Myrtle. Also found in fortified foods like whole grain breads, pastas and rice.
Iron - Bush tomatoes, Wattleseed, poultry, seafood, beans, broccoli, kale. Also found in red meat, seafood another animal proteins.
Selenium - Bush tomatoes, garlic, tuna, barley, brazil nuts, sardines
Zinc - Oysters, yogurt, chickpeas, lean meats, chicken, baked beans, Mountain Pepperleaf
Use a little Native fruits, herbs and spices to help add nutrient value to all your meals.
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