Wattleseed Retinodes

Wattleseed Species Information

Wattleseed Species Information

We have put together some information to help you distinguish the differences between the Wattleseed species we sell online.  

    NATIF Acacia Provincialis and Retinodes seasonal blend

    • The aroma is described as being similar to roasted nuts, peanut butter, mushrooms, pepper, coffee, chocolate and earthy notes.
    • The flavour is described as earthy, dry biscuit, nutty, peanut butter, slightly smoky, sesame paste and bitter.  
    • A medium course grind and suitable for use in a variety of baking needs.
    • A medium roast
    • Add to sweet or savoury dishes like pizza bases and desserts.
    • Use this versatile seasonal blend to add to dry flours, nut meals, tart bases, a thickening agent for soups and casseroles and some sauces. 
    • You can soak this blend in hot water for a few minutes and add it to rice and pasta to enhance flavour and nutrition.
    • This grind is easy to soak in hot water for adding to dryer baking items so you don't get that crunchy hard texture in the final product. 

    NATIF Acacia Victoriae

    • A strong distinct aroma of coffee, chocolate, hazelnuts, sweet spices and raisins.
    • Flavours of roasted coffee, chickory, chocolate, raisins, nuts, sweet spices and slightly bitter notes.
    • A medium to dark roast and a finer powder grind to extract more flavour in coffee brews and other food and beverage applications.
    • This grind is easy to soak in hot water for adding to dryer baking items so you don't get that crunchy hard texture in the final product. 
    • You can also extract flavour by brewing it like coffee and adding the brew back to food and beverages.

    Wattle seed is more like a legume and the hard raw seeds can be used and prepared in a variety of different ways. 

    • Soaked 
    • Sprouted 
    • Roasted whole and ground to powder - for value adding to food and beverages
    • Boiled
    • Pan fried (so they pop like popcorn) 
    • Brewed or malted 
    • Extracted for flavour liquids for food and beverages 

    Health benefits are enhanced by a light-medium roast and flavours are best as a medium to heavy roast.

    Roasting to a flour or ground consistency brings out the individual flavours of each Wattleseed species. With hundreds of species they all have a slightly different and also similar characteristic in flavours and aromas.

    Using our NATIF Wattleseeds sold online you can be assured that we have taken steps to make sure they are always available, safe and easy to use.  We know all our growers personally and have visited their farms.


    Copyright @ NATIF Julie Merlet

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